
About Michelle

I am a General Life Coach, a Board-certified Physician Anesthesiologist, Mom, Wife, Introvert, Recovering Perfectionistic Procrastinator & Self-Doubter & People Pleaser, Lifelong Learner, Goal-Getter, Lifter of Weights & Minds, Thriver emerged from the ashes of my own personal burnout.

My life looked great on paper. But inside…

I felt this constant state of DIS-ease and “not-enoughness”. I felt there was something off, and I couldn’t put my finger on it. Even though I had paid off all of my educational debt and had supportive family and friends, there was still something off. I didn’t understand. I should be happy. I should be satisfied. But why wasn’t I?

I put my dreams and myself on the back-burner for years, and here was my chance to enjoy it all. But I still felt stuck.

I had put myself and my loved ones on hold for years — I studied through college, medical school, residency, boards certifications, missed family and friends events, and experienced failures and heartaches. I worked through 80 hour work weeks, overnight trauma calls, had patients die on me, appeased disgruntled surgeons, patients, nurses, and co-workers. I felt like I was being pulled in so many directions trying to meet my wants and needs and everyone else’s without much success.

I eventually came to realize that I had burned out. I didn’t realize I couldn’t pour from an empty cup. I thought I could keep going on empty fumes. I did before. Until I couldn’t.


I tried changing the circumstances, but I still had the same brain… the same thoughts… the same blind spots and stuck-ness and victim mentality that I was boxing myself in with.

I knew there was something especially off when I was having passive suicidal ideations — I didn’t know it was an actual term until much later when I recognized that thinking that if something happened to me… like a car accident or a fatal disease, I would be okay with it… was really not the way to live life. I was in my early 30’s then. This couldn’t be it, could it? Others seemed to have their life together. They looked happy. What was their secret?

What was wrong with me?

I knew something had to change when my husband and I got pregnant. If we were going to raise our baby girl in this world, I knew this version of me was not the version I wanted as an example for her. I knew there was a higher version of me that existed. I had just forgotten who she was.

I just didn’t know how to find that person again.

I didn’t know what help I needed to get the change I wanted so badly …

I had tried cognitive behavioral therapy, browsed the self-development section of the book store, went to Canyon Ranch, Yoga and meditation classes, the Calm and Headspace apps… and while all of them were helpful…

It wasn’t until…

I experienced coaching with a Life Coach School trained physician life coach. One session was exactly the shift that I needed. And it forever changed the trajectory of my life. I dove in and learned self-coaching tools like The Model that helped me gain so much awareness and agency over all of the self-limiting beliefs and thoughts and emotions that I didn’t know were holding me back.

“Wait a minute, people don’t create my feelings?”

“I can really create anything I put my mind to?”

My coach poked hole after hole in the muck and mud hut of self-limiting beliefs and negative programming that I had believed was fact for most of my life.


This work opened up so much for me.

It dialed down my anxiety and self-doubt.

I no longer dreaded going to work or had social anxiety that kept me from attending get-togethers or meeting people.

I learned to trust myself and validate myself and not depend on seeking that dopamine hit one gets with external validation, rewards, and achievements.

I came out of my shell… feeling more renewed and alive than I have for a very long time.

I’m physically and mentally stronger than I have ever been in my entire life, despite the tired that one gets from work and wearing all the hats as the mom and spouse.

I would love to share this work with you.

I can help you learn the mind management and coaching tools to help you live your life more fully… to start thriving, rather than surviving.

No more hiding. Dial down the noise of the anxiety and dread and self-doubt that keeps you stuck in your tracks.

Start creating a life that you love and have worked so hard for.

You don’t have to suffer alone or DIY your self-help anymore.

You can enjoy your life.
You can create a life that you love.
You can work on your goals and dreams that seemed impossible.

It was possible for me.

And I know, for sure, that

it is 100% possible for you…

if you let it.

Stop waiting to start that dream of yours until the “perfect” time.

▫️Ever felt that you’re not doing enough… or afraid of doing something wrong… and end up filling that void with food or drinking, retail therapy, Netflix, or working?

▫️Tired of yourself getting in your own way?

▫️Ever felt that something was just off in your life but couldn’t put your finger on it?

Well, This is Your Moment for ALL of that TO CHANGE.


“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

– Chinese Proverb

Let’s have a chat!

Let’s work out what’s holding you back. You can then choose to drop it and boldly steer your life in the direction you want, on purpose.

What are you waiting for?

You can create whatever you dream of … if you want it. — It can start with one mind-shift — from one thought, one belief — I’m here to help.